October 17 - The Wonderful Wide World of Cacti: Nature’s Spiny Survivors
William Odette will lead us as he dives into the world of cacti from the amateur perspective of a cultivator and appreciator of these incredible plants! We will cover a variety of topics ranging from their unique biology & complex taxonomy to their fascinating biochemistry & long history of cultural and spiritual significance in human society in the Americas.
Coordinator: Mary Ellen Siudut (508) 308-7103
======================= past
September 26 - Preventing Dementia and Alzheimer’s: I Forgot When I Should Have Remembered
Do you know that Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death before breast or prostate cancer? One out of 9 people over 65, and 1 out of 2 over 85, has Alzheimer’s; plus, 1 out of 3 seniors dies of Alzheimer’s. Dean Pratt will answer our questions and address our fears about this important topic. He is a psychotherapist at Seacoast Mental Health, specializing in anxiety, depression, trauma and the aging brain. He’s led brain training sessions at Riverwoods Exeter and studied the latest research on preventing, and even reversing, Alzheimer’s and potentially other dementias.
Coordinator: Gayle Hylen (603) 659-2422
October 3 - The Adventurous Lives of the Milne’s: UNH Professors, Authors of 55 Books, Worldwide Travelers and Long-Time Durham Residents
Come hear the Durham/UNH story of Drs. Lorus & Margery Milne, two fascinating individuals who became an unlikely team as biologists, teachers, writers, lecturers, & experts on ecology, as told to us by Diana Carroll*. Coordinator: Donna Simpson (603) 496-4075
October 10 - Indian Culture & Creative Art Forms with Semi- and Classical Vocal Music
Diotima Bose is a UNH PhD student in Chemistry. Diotima is a trained singer of Indian classical Hindustani music. She will speak to us about Indian culture, literature & history, concentrating on the various art forms of her native land. As a bonus, she will intersperse her talk with performances of classical Hindustani music.
Coordinator: Mary Ellen Siudut (508) 308-7103
Coordinator: Mary Ellen Siudut (508) 308-7103