Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Professor of philosophy and humanities Charlotte Witt has been selected for a Fulbright Specialist grant in U.S. Studies – Women's Studies at the University of Iceland. She will travel to Reykjavik later this month where she will remain for 3 weeks, teaching summer school sessions for Erasmus+. Their program, Gender and Philosophy, is offering summer school on the subject of "Philosophy of the Body," aimed at graduate students from across the EU and funded by Erasmus. In addition to teaching, Witt will present to faculty at the University of Iceland on her book "The Metaphysics of Gender" (Oxford University Press).

Witt's teaching and research focus on ancient philosophy in general and Aristotle in particular. She's written two books on Aristotle's Metaphysics and published many articles on his thought. She also works on feminist theory and the feminist history of philosophy and has co-edited collections on both subjects, most recently, "Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self (Springer).