Monday, April 15, 2013
Hannah and actress Jada Pinkett-Smith

Hannah Waller, a political science/international affairs dual major, was selected as one of three student representatives from Amnesty International to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU), held earlier this month in St. Louis. Hannah is interning at Amnesty International in DC this semester through The Washington Center program.

The Clinton Global Initiative brought together 1000 students from all over the world, as well as topics experts and celebrities such as Stephen Colbert and Jada Pinkett-Smith in a weekend of discussions aimed at developing solutions to world problems in the areas of education, environment, human rights, poverty, and public health. Both President Clinton and daughter Chelsea were active participants at CGIU.

Hannah focused on human rights during the conference and committed to starting an Amnesty International chapter at UNH when she returns in the fall.

In a blog post about her experience on, Hannah concludes:

“Sometimes, we feel too young and inexperienced to make a difference, but this is a complete misperception. We have the time and energy to commit ourselves fully to our passions, and we need to seize the moment. As President Clinton told us this weekend, ‘If you lost a bunch of yesterdays, welcome to the human race. But you don’t have to give anybody your tomorrows.’”