Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), ADVANCE at UNH began with a grant focusing on increasing the representation of women in academic science and engineering careers, which then led to the larger NSF - UNH ADVANCE project.
Advancing Science provided teacher training to science and mathematics teachers in New Hampshire, and offered an instrument loan program for teaching molecular biology, spectroscopy, molecular modeling, and chromatography.
CEGE brought together academic groups in sciences and education, a UNH research institute and a STEM outreach center. Our work included K-12 curriculum development, teacher professional development, and graduate/undergraduate/informal STEM education.
On a sunny summer morning at Kennett High School in North Conway, New Hampshire, 17 middle school girls click away at their computer keyboards. They’re participating in the the weeklong Creative Computing Challenge teacher training and summer camp program.
Claes Thelemarck, a youth and family field specialist with UNH Cooperative Extension, demonstrates the steps they must take to complete the apps they’ve designed on their tablets using MIT App Inventor, free software students can use to create their own applications for mobile devices.
The University of New Hampshire was chosen to be a Code.org Regional Partner and be the designated provider of Code.org Professional Learning Programs in the state of New Hampshire.
The STEM Teachers' Collaborative at UNH-Durham and the STEM Discovery Lab at UNH-Manchester partnered with the CS4NH coalition, an advisory committee of the NH High Technology Council, and committed to providing all New Hampshire students access to high quality K-12 Computer Science (CS) educational opportunities.
When today’s elementary school students become adults, they will live in a world run on computers. Computer science is one of the fastest growing job sectors in the country, but the number of students graduating with a computer science degree is far below what the job market today demands.
Better preparing students for careers in computing is a challenge that’s been identified here in New Hampshire, as well as across the country, and something the New Hampshire Department of Education, the UNH STEM Discovery Lab and the STEM Teachers' Collaborative at the UNH Leitzel Center are working to address with the launch of CS4NH. This new initiative is aimed at providing every student in the state a chance to learn about computer science in grades K-12 to prepare them for the emerging demands of the 21st century.
The Safe Beaches & Shellfish project, a three-year study funded by the National Science Foundation, was a collaboration between NH EPSCoR and Maine EPSCoR. Researchers from Maine and New Hampshire used cutting-edge theories and methods from the field of sustainability science to tackle problems related to the closure of shellfish beds and posting of beach advisories due to high levels of pathogenic bacteria in coastal regions.
With support from the Dreyfus Foundation, the GEOChem program was designed to provide enrichment in geochemistry for high school chemistry teachers which consisted of academic year workshops and classroom support from a UNH graduate student.
INTEL Mathematics Program for K-8 Educators provided content-intensive mathematics professional development in the form of a course co-facilitated by a practicing mathematician and a mathematics educator. The course emphasized participants' understanding of core K – 8 mathematics concepts.
Elizabeth City State University joined with the University of New Hampshire to present a program for faculty of education at minority serving institutions to engage their preservice teachers in learning about global climate change through the use of NASA Earth observation datasets.
NERU is a collaboration between the University of New Hampshire and the Abisko Scientific Research Station in Abisko, Sweden. The program provides undergraduate students a summer research opportunity to explore climate change on ecosystems in Northern Sweden and the northeastern US.
Visit the NERU website
NH EPSCoR’s Ecosystems and Society Project, a five-year study funded by the National Science Foundation, was aimed at acquiring a deeper understanding of the relationships between land use, regional climate change, water quality, soil processes, forest dynamics, snow behavior, and management policies. Intensive measurement and modeling efforts of New Hampshire’s ecosystems represented the central research activities of this project. Also studied were public and stakeholder perceptions and EPSCoR researchers explored ways to improve the success of communicating science with policy implications.
Visit the NH EPSCoR website
The NEAGEP was one of 26 NSF-funded Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) in the US. The goal was to increase the number of domestic students receiving doctoral degrees and entering the professoriate in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), responded to the critical need for K-12 teachers of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by encouraging talented STEM students and professionals to pursue teaching careers in middle and secondary schools.
Project SMART is a Summer Institute at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) that challenges, educates, and motivates talented high school students in science and mathematics while acquainting them with the environment and resources of the University as a place for higher education and research.
Visit the Project SMART website
Funded by NH EPSCoR, RET is a summer program that provides a community for educators to learn about and implement research, as well help each other design ways to incorporate important subjects into their classroom curriculum. Teachers work on research projects guided by faculty mentors and graduate students.
The RET summer research experience includes regular meetings and socials for teachers to share the progress of their work. School year follow-up to support the integration of the summer research experience and inquiry-based activities within the curriculum is also provided.
One of 12 programs developed to meet the Youth Science Cooperative Outreach needs, led by the U.S. Armed Services and Virginia Technical Institute partnered with the Academy of Applied Science, the National Science Teachers Association, and educational institutions. They provided research-based training in the STEM disciplines.
Sun to Ice was an NSF-funded UNH research project. The related research aimed to investigate extreme solar events and their effects on Earth by detailed studies of each process in the chain from Sun to Ice, as energetic particles travel to Earth, enter our atmosphere, and ultimately collide with our planet. As the education and outreach partner on the project, the Leitzel Center brought intensive STEM professional development to high school physics, chemistry, astronomy, and Earth and physical science teachers. Teachers were paired with Sun to Ice researchers or collaborators, to explore a specific research topic.
A professional development program for K-12 teachers, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. TESSE provided an authentic research experience along with the opportunity to develop inquiry-based curriculum models for Earth Science instruction.
Developed from a project funded by the National Science Foundation, this workshop introduces students to scientific methods of studying both aquatic and terrestrial areas of a watershed. Watershed Watch also offers a shortened version as a mini-course for UNH CONNECT. The May 2013 Watershed Watch focused on the Pasquotank Watershed.